Memories We Shared Throughout the Project [cont'd]
And not only that... after the practical, we still had to design a blog by ourselves. So we worked hard...right until the last minute on Sunday!! Here are some pics of us going crazy:

Haida never do work ar!

Hendro busy at work...dun kacau!

But suddenly...when the clock strikes twelve...something unexpected happened...
Rest in piece, Hendro.

Sherry has been killed by the Ju-On curse!

Haida passes away peacefully while hugging her laptop. Hmm...dunno why her corpse still laughing leh.

Amir dies peacefully in Carrie Underwood's arms (in his dreams!)

Poor Ziyi has been crushed to death by his own mouse!
JJ is buried under tons of bioprocess notes...the worst place to die!
Mr Daniel unglam! =)

In conclusion...

Aaaand that's the end of it!!! XD