
A group web-blog by MB0606 encompassing our experiences in learning how to produce functional GFPs in bacteria.

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website design, web development
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Our Learning Comments
1:57:00 AM

Our Learning Comments & Final Say: so after all that hard work, what did we take away from the experience? We interview each other to find out each of our two cents:

HENDRO: To me, I learnt how to identify the different parts of fermentor and its function. And then there are many parameters needed to monitor for doing scale-up. Its not easy to scale up the process.

ZHEN ANN: I had learnt alot from this projects. haha too much things i dont think i can finish writing all here. Firstly i learned how to carry out a fermentation process in lab scale. I had learned how to recognize the various parts of fermentor and how these different parts took part in the fermentation process. Besides, i also learned to isolate and harvest our precious green fluorescent products after the fermentation process. For the report part, this is the first time i learned the ways to create a blog together with my group. I can say that i sacrificed alot of my "first time" for this project ha. Together with my members, we had work very very very HARD to complete this very very very HARD task. Hope u can enjoy our hard works. And lastly, i LOVE my team members alot hahahaha

YONGWEN: Learnt how to manage the fermentor, the different parts and its functions.... Learnt that blog is super irritating if dunno how to use t! Hahah! Niwae, communication is important in a group proj! Soorrriii... caught me slping in lab! ahhaa.. Had a bz nite!!! Lol

ERINE: Okay. Generally i have to admit that i have had too much fun in playing and goofing around that i forgot what i have learnt! haha. ok ok seriously, i have learnt that there are many steps in fermentation process and scaling up and i will never forget the day that every member of the group have to take a sample every hour. we have to stay back in school till so late just to take a sample from the cells! ZzZzzZ -_________-

ZIYI: Hahaha. Is this our chirstmas gift??? ok kidding. Anyway, from this practical we applied what he have learnt so far from the lectures into action. It provided us with hands on experience of how a biomanufacturing sector is like, and whether we're interested in this job sector next time. Career planning you know! ^(00)^

MAYA: Hmm...I learnt that a fermentation process is very tedious...there are a lot of things we need to be aware of before scaling up any product from lab scale, like nutrient requirements, because our cells need a lot of care. And the parts of a fermenter is very very complicated...lots of portions to know before doing scale-up! And on the blog, I find it a little difficult to manipulate the complicating HTML codes even though I blog reguarly. But it was worth it!

DANIEL: Aye.. what a good quesion to ask huh.The things that I have learnt are that we must be careful in every step of the experiment as one wrong step may result in difference in the result and not give us the best results. The problem would be that we are not IT students. hahas. So its hard for us to do up a blog and al the stuff. hahas. we don't understand html codings. hahas. :D

HAIDA: What we learnt... hmmm... since this practical is on bioreactor... of course it will be the bioreactor itself! Learnt different parts of the fermenter... its functions and how to use it. Besides that... I learnt that doing a blog MUST be REALLY PATIENT! If not... think will either end up in IMH or prison for being CRAZY! Hahaha! Niwae, learnt some new things on doing this blog! :D

AMIR: wait! I thought this entire blog contains ALL OF OUR LEARNING POINTS?? so is this an exam qn? must make mind-map not? :) anyway, what I've learnt... is that E.coli likes to haunt us everywhere we go, even though we carry those little things in our stomach everyday... and that even though scaling up might sound easy in theory, like u add this, add that, like making rojak, it is actually very tough to do experimentally. Have to pay close attention to details and parameters like oxygen requirements otherwise everything goes wrong! And you end up in prison like my friend Haida! Right, Haida??? And then break out with W.Miller right! =)

JJ: Hmmm o.o i've learnt... well what have i learnt? o.o probably learnt that scaling up isn't as simple as getting a bigger container and chucking everything in XD and even though the actual experiment itself isn'y very confusing, the making of the blog, the compilation of the data and analysis is really tedious and complicated. The biggest problem encounter was probably the meeting dates and timings.. whatelse...? hmmm i think i need to work on my discipline too.. *sighs*

SHERRY: Hmm..what have i learnt? what have i learnt? nothing? haha...kidding...i've learnt that scaling up is a tedious and somehow a troublesome process! many parameters/information are required for the scaling up process. And in the process of doing this project, we've met with many problems along the way...like making a blog when we have no great knowledge on doing one! but we overcome it wif everyone's help and contributions! with thanks to all my group members... :)

In conclusion, our learning points in general are:-

- Learned how to scale up the cells.

- Understand parts of fermentor and its function

- Parameters involved in monitoring scale up.

That's all folks! Thanks for taking the time to visit us!

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