
A group web-blog by MB0606 encompassing our experiences in learning how to produce functional GFPs in bacteria.

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website design, web development
Friday, December 21, 2007
Homepage - Group Intro
2:45:00 PM

Our Beloved Group Members:

grp foto
*click on the above photo to see an enlarged and scarier version of our faces!

Please note that making funny faces intentionally is illegal in Singapore. It is a crime! These people above are wanted felonies! Please contact the authorities if you see any of them stalking a polytechnic near you :)

Anyway, these are the group members who each contributed and made this project a success:

- Sherry: our undisputed leader! Without her guidance, we'd be really lost. But it seems that Sherry's finger and nose has fused together for some reason in the picture above, so we sent her for plastic surgery last week. We have not heard from her since.

- Hendro: Our resident BoyGenius. All hail Hendro! :)

- Ziyi: Our second BoyGenius. Long live Ziyi! :)

- Erine: ''Who wan play mahjong wit me arr??'' says THE MAHJONG QUEEN!!!

- Amir: the guy who is obsessed with female blonde artists, namely Carrie Underwood, one of the blondes from that complicated drama series LOST, Dr Sara from Prison Break and Evangeline Lilly! Boooo! (~courtesy of Maya)

- JJ: Jun Jie likes Japanese girls. This is why we always carry one along in case we want to blackmail him to do something for us.

- Haida: a.k.a OldManHunter! To restrain Haida, we carry around ten feet of raffia string just in case. This is for the good of the community, and for men older than 18, which is like, almost every guy in school. Run for your lives!

- Maya: the blog genius who helped us link all the pages together! Long live McDreamy + McMaya! =)

- Daniel: daniel the monkey lover...so glad that we are not doing a monkey project...if not, he will be too hyper and we will not be able to control him anymore! It's already tough controlling him from getting too hyper now... =X

- Zhen Ann: happy boy is who he is..dunno why he's always smiling! Hmmm..hiding something ar, Zhen Ann?? :) But that's a good thing when we are all stressed up with this project!!

- Yong Wen: the silent killer...who can just scare you to your wits by just being silent! Thus protecting us from evil forces....

Hmmm.. I think that's all. Seacrest amiR, out!

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