
A group web-blog by MB0606 encompassing our experiences in learning how to produce functional GFPs in bacteria.

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website design, web development
Saturday, December 22, 2007
12:54:00 AM

Welcome to Joy of Bioprocess!

*This blog is best viewed under Internet Explorer. For some asinine reason beyond our understanding, programs such as Mozilla Firefox will screw up the entire format. So don't say no one warned ya!

This web-blog is done by members of MB0606 Group A, which covers our experiences in cultivating a unique protein called Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) in a strain of bacterial cells. Because we luuurve Bioprocess so much! :)

But first, we have to state our overall objectives of this practical:

1. To experience how the scale-up process works

2. To have better understanding of how the bioreactor works

3. To know how to use the bioreactor

Refer to the navigation links below to get around:

(1) What exactly is Green Fluorescent Protein? Who were the brilliant scientists that contributed to the discovery of this magnificent protein? To find out more, click on THE SECRETS BEHIND GFP.

(2) We went through a lot together to try and produce functional GFPs in our darling, beloved Escherichia coli cells that we sayang love a lot. My precioussssss...

So browse through the links below for an intricate day-by-day analysis on what transpired during our experiments:

  • DAY 1, EXPERIMENT 1: Familiarization of bioreactor and equipments
  • DAY 1, EXPERIMENT 2: Equipment and media preparation
  • DAY 2: Inoculation, fermentation and monitoring
  • DAY 3: Sampling and monitoring of cell growth
  • DAY 4: Harvesting of the cells
  • DAY 5: Isolation and purification of product
  • DAY 6: The aftermath upon completion of this blog!

(3) No one died during these five days. We swear! But through it all, we all had our own personal lessons to be learnt. Please check out INDIVIDUAL LESSONS to see what we have gained from this practical/project.

(4) Our REFERENCES list, which contains various sources that we used to understand our experiment better.

If you have time, check this out:

Want to see the crazy people involved in making this blog?
